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International Security Institute (ISI) submission before the UK Parliament House of Lord’s Select Committee on International Relations

International Security Institute replied to a call of the UK Parliament House of Lord’s Committee on International Relations and have send them our written submission themed “After the Brexit: United Kingdom and the Balkans” . We are reminding that the Committee made the call on 24th July and is expecting written submissions until 15th September.

The Committee announced that certain organisation who have sent their submissions would be invited for public hearing before the Committee. Based on the evidence collected, the Committee on International Relations would compile a report on the position of the United Kingdom towards the Western Balkans after Brexit.

Based on the call, the International Security Institute, in its analyses, covers issues of direct and indirect interests of the United Kingdom at the Balkans, key political and institutional challenges countries in the region are facing and potential solutions the UK could make so it could support this region’s stability.

More about the inquiry of the UK Parliament House of Lords’s Select Committee on International Relations on their web page:

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