Human habits can be changed thru educations, trainings or constant approach of media campaigns. International Security Institute is keen to improve road safety in our society.
ISI work with companies to set internal standards of safety approach and it is one of our aims. Especially in sensitive areas like transport of people, or goods, or in area of transport of dangerous goods, also for companies that work in the field of producing oil and gas, etc., we provide safe approach.
On the other hand adaptation of the infrastructure – roads, is an easier process. Namely, by introduction of specific standards in the planning, design and construction, and with road maintenance can be achieved that road is safe. Of course, to be realistic all of these represents the process, thus we are back to the part of the habits, in this case engineering habits that with well–planned measures (strategy) can be changed and make roads safe. We recommend implementation of masseurs like Road Safety Audit, or tools like International Road Assessment Program etc.
International Security Institute supporting and give its contribution in global actions of road safety http://www.un.org/en/roadsafety/
What International Security Institute provides:
“Main purpose of ISI Road Safety Department is to provide help to the different variety of road safety stakeholders in local and Regional/ International road safety market, as well as to provide quality support service to Companies which are implementing the Road Safety projects in the Republic of Serbia or even wider in the Balkan Region (Internationally).
Road Safety Department is ready to provide wide range of road safety services in accordance with UN Decade for road safety Global Plan of activities, such as:
- Different Road Safety Training Courses
- Review and improvement of road safety capacities on national and local level (institutional, human, financial, etc.),
- Support in crash data analysis (detailed time and spatial accident analysis) and improvement of crash database structure (introduction/improvements of GPS and GIS tools),
- Preparation of “Roof” road safety documents (Road Safety Strategies, Action Plans, etc.),
- Analysis of road safety legal framework (“Gap analysis”) with proposal for improvements,
- Analysis of road design standards (“Gap analysis”), with proposal for improvements,
- Analysis of performance and proposal for improvements for different road safety stakeholders (Road Administration, Traffic Police, Road Traffic Agency, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Transport, etc.),
- Preparation of road safety media campaigns,
- Improvement of traffic education of children,
- Implementation of road safety tools (Black Spot Management, Road Safety Audit, Road Safety Inspection, In-Depth Analysis, etc.) including of training courses for each topic,
- Design of different road projects, as well as traffic signalization and equipment projects, etc.
ISI is the member of The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) www.rospa.com